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Officers of the Rev. James T. O’Reilly OSA
Division 8
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians
Officers 2025

Anne Marie Nyhan-Doherty...............……........................... President
Carol Calderone…………….....……....................……..…... Vice President
Marie Pacheco ….……...….............................................… Recording Secretary
Joyce Buckley….………………………....................……..... Financial Secretary
Ellen Melvin ...............……….………....................….….…. Treasurer
Helen Mathison .................................................................. Historian
Nora Carroll Bevilacqua ……….………...................……… Mission & Charities
Cathy Callahan .................................................................. Catholic Action
Kathleen Melvin ................................................................. Mistress at Arms
Lisa Breen……….……....…………...................…………… Sentinel

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About the LAOH

The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Inc. is a 501c(3) sororal organization of American- Irish Catholic women. We have a 130 year history of service in the United States and provide support in Ireland and the North of Ireland. We are currently involved in all forms of social justice. Please feel free to review all our areas of interest.

While practicing Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity, we will work to strengthen our Roman Catholic Faith, our Country, and our Communities; and perpetuate the religion, history, culture and traditions of our Irish heritage.

Our Four Major Principals:

    * To foster and sustain loyalty to the Roman Catholic Church and foster and sustain loyalty to the United States of         America among its members.
    * To aid and advance by all legitimate means the aspiration and endeavors of the Irish people for complete and         absolute independence.
    * To foster the ideals and perpetuate the history and traditions of the Irish people and to promote Irish culture
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians